Preventive and curative cardiology

“Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States will have a myocardial infarction. [1]”

Considering the massive burden of cardiovascular diseases in the US, Build-a-Care is not only working to improve outcomes for patients affected by heart diseases, it is also extending care beyond hospitals and into communities by leading preventative care for cardiology.

  • Remote monitoring and managing patients with low HDL, high LDL, and high triglycerides
  • Medication management and reminders
  • Lifestyle managements through configurable alerts
  • Heart diseases specific, patient centered educational curriculum
  • Personalized and configurable care programs

treatment adherence

 blood pressure control

physically active

Become a Collaborator

Join us as a collaborator on this program to save lives. You can participate as a clinical collaborator or an investor to scale this program globally across heart centers.

  • As a clinical collaborator, you can run pilots or implement this program with your patients in your clinic and heart center. Ideally, you would be a cardiologist, or a care provider associated with preventive or curative cardiology.
  • As an investor, you can become a stakeholder in this program as we scale this across heart centers and clinics across the globe.

Current Collaborators

  • Justin Zachariah MD, MPH

    Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine | Co-Chair of Research Operations, Texas Children’s Hospital Heart Center

    Justin Zachariah MD, MPH Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine | Co-Chair of Research...

    view profile

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